Catator’s innovative CataLite® Burner Series enable emission-free lean gas combustion without the need for support fuel. Our range includes flameless off-gas combustion systems for Power-to-X applications for hydrogen electrolysis industrial developers and leaders.
These systems are employed to ensure emission-free combustion with an immediate thermal response for streams with varying fuel content, including ultra-lean off-gas streams.
Catator’s innovative CataLite® Burner Series enables emission-free, catalytic combustion of off-gas streams across a broad concentration range. The range includes flameless off-gas combustion systems, designed to ensure emission-free combustion with varying fuel content and without the need for support fuel. The burners have a turndown ratio of up to 1:50 based on the energy content in the off-gases.
CataLite® Burners are especially suited for gas streams with highly variable and transient concentrations of combustible gases. From ultra-lean gas compositions, where a traditional flame burner would need support fuel, to emission free combustion of energy rich gases.
As an example, our CataLite® Burners are trusted by leading developers and customers for electrolysis applications. This includes hydrogen production and the co-electrolysis of hydrogen and CO2 needed to produce syngas for synthetic fuel production.
The CataLite® Burner Series leverage our patented multi-stage technology CataLite® Coatings, which allows catalysts to be applied to virtually any metal surface. This ensures strong adhesion of a highly porous and active catalytic layer, enhancing heat transfer and providing superior combustion.
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